SDM predicts
data: OBIS
tech: R
model: Maxent
Predict species distribution of N Atlantic right whale using OBIS occcurrences and predicts
package in R.
Predict species distribution of N Atlantic right whale using OBIS occcurrences and predicts
package in R.
description: "Predict species distribution of N Atlantic right whale using OBIS occcurrences and `predicts` package in R."
image: "../figures/explorations/sdm-1_predicts.png"
url: ""
url-code: ""
- "data: OBIS"
- "tech: R"
- "model: Maxent"
editor: source
# SDM `predicts` {.unnumbered}
#| echo: false
#| warning: false
descr <- metadata[["description"]]
img <- metadata[["image"]]
url_web <- metadata[["url"]]
url_code <- metadata[["url-code"]]
`r descr`
- [{{< fa globe >}} website](`r url_web`)
- [{{< fa brands github >}} `code`](`r url_code`)