flowchart LR %% nodes D[[data]]:::in S[/split/]:::fxn t1[[train]]:::out t2[[test]]:::out F[/fit/]:::fxn M{{model}}:::out E[/evaluate/]:::fxn C[/calibrate/]:::fxn P[/predict/]:::fxn N[["new data"]]:::in prd(prediction):::out prf(performance):::out %% edges D --> S S --> t1 S --> t2 t1 --> F F --> M t2 --> E M --> C C --> F M --> P N --> P M --> E P --> prd E --> prf %% styles classDef in fill:lightblue classDef out fill:lightgreen classDef fxn fill:yellow %% source: https://bbest.github.io/eds232-ml/lab1d_sdm-evaluate.html
6 Model
Model the distribution of a species