OBIS Top Classes
data: OBIS
tech: R
Extract the species with the most numerous observations by unique Class from the OBIS parquet archive in R.
Extract the species with the most numerous observations by unique Class from the OBIS parquet archive in R.
description: "Extract the species with the most numerous observations by unique Class from the OBIS parquet archive in R."
image: "../figures/explorations/obis-top-spp-by-class.png"
url: ""
url-code: ""
- "data: OBIS"
- "tech: R"
editor: source
# OBIS Top Classes {.unnumbered}
#| echo: false
#| warning: false
descr <- metadata[["description"]]
img <- metadata[["image"]]
url_web <- metadata[["url"]]
url_code <- metadata[["url-code"]]
`r descr`
- [{{< fa globe >}} website](`r url_web`)
- [{{< fa brands github >}} `code`](`r url_code`)