flowchart LR %% nodes P(presence):::in A("pseudo-absence"):::in pts(obs):::out X[/extract/]:::fxn env(env):::in D[[data]]:::out S[/split/]:::fxn t1[[train]]:::out t2[[test]]:::out F[/fit/]:::fxn M{{model}}:::out E[/evaluate/]:::fxn C[/calibrate/]:::fxn pr[/predict/]:::fxn N[["new data"]]:::in prd(prediction):::out prf(performance):::out res[result set]:::out ens[ensemble]:::fxn der[derived]:::out web[web]:::out %% edges P --> pts A --> pts pts --> X env --> X X --> D D --> S S --> t1 S --> t2 t1 --> F F --> M t2 --> E M --> C C --> F M --> pr N --> pr M --> E pr --> prd E --> prf prd --> res prf --> res res --x ens ens --> der der --> web res --> web %% subgraphs subgraph Share direction LR subgraph Combine subgraph Prepare P A pts env X D end subgraph Model S t1 t2 F M E C pr N prd prf res end ens der end web end %% Legend in(input):::in fxn[/process/]:::fxn out(output):::out subgraph Legend in fxn out end %% styles classDef in fill:lightblue classDef out fill:lightgreen classDef fxn fill:yellow
Marine Species Distribution Models
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
The best available global distributions are presently AquaMaps (Kaschner et al. 2006; Ready et al. 2010) with supplementation by IUCN RedList range maps1. These have been used to calculate the biodiversity within national waters (Halpern et al. 2012) as well as beyond in the high seas (Visalli et al. 2020).
1.2 Goals
This book aims to capture the overview and details of modeling species distributions in the marine environment for the purposes of advancing the status quo of global and U.S. national species distributions along the following dimensions:
The current AquaMaps distributions are \({1}/{2}\)º (~55 km at equator), whereas the best available global bathymetry is \({1}/{240}\)º (< 0.5 km).Time
The current AquaMaps distributions are based on static climatic averages over all seasons, which does not capture temporal dynamics: seasonally within a year, nor long-term climate change trends. This will necessitate sampling the environment contemporaneously with species observations before fitting the model and predicting to different environmental snapshots.Environment
Other environmental variables besides the initial physiographic (depth) and oceanographic (temperature, chlorophyll, primary productivity and ice) may elicit an improved statistical fit, related to species’ environmental niche. Some candidates include: temperature fronts, eddy kinetic energy, distance from shore, distance from shelf.Biology
Where sufficient observations exist, additional models should be developed highlighting differences between:Life stage, e.g. larval vs adult.
Gender where varies, such as male sperm whales being more cosmopolitan.
Subpopulations for understanding metapopulation dynamics
Behavior, such as migrating, feeding or breeding.
By definition MBONMarine Biodiversity Observation Network; see MarineBON.org is a network, so this is inclusive of and meant for all participants.
1.3 Motivations
AquaMaps (Kaschner et al. 2006; Ready et al. 2010) represents a massive amount of work to gather parameters for >33.5K marine species, including areas to mask out.OBIS.org
The Ocean Biogeographic Information System (Klein et al. 2019; Grassle 2000) is the central portal for continuously added observations with extra flags for quality control, all of which makes marine SDMs possible.Modeling methods have dramatically improved over time and are ripe for fresh application. The R package
originally came came out with an SDM vignette as a practical supplement to their excellent review of SDMs (Elith and Leathwick 2009) and using the Maxent algorithm (Elith et al. 2011). The raster package furthered that (raster sdm) and now there’sterra
sdm. Alongside these developments has been a boon of cloud-computing, particularly Google Earth Engine (Gorelick et al. 2017; Campos et al. 2023), allowing for dense global raster processing.The world is quickly moving towards a future trying to conserve 30% of the oceans by 2030, so called “30 by 30”. In the U.S., this is America the Beautiful initiative (Carroll, Noss, and Stein 2022) for which MBONMarine Biodiversity Observation Network; see MarineBON.org is well poised to inform (Fautin et al. 2010; Muller-Karger et al. 2018). We need biodiversity indicators to track progress. This push for conservation is driven by increasing impacts of climate change, as evidenced by marine heatwaves and shifts in population distributions.
1.4 Process
1.5 Contribute
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1.6 Features
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Multiple formats
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IUCN RedList range maps: https://www.iucnredlist.org/resources/spatial-data-download↩︎