• Fixed plot_ss_ts() to no longer prefix default color with gray for NA since NAs now get dropped. Added optional argument colors to enable synchronization of timeseries colors with map colors.
  • Fixed time series wonkiness #3 with new values by only storing n_cells in output of sum_ss_grds_to_ts() and calculating max y percent in plot_ss_ts().

  • fixed get_ss_grds() to work with ERDDAP change from using lon and lat to longitude and latitude.

Added del_cache (default: False) argument to get_ss_grds(), since an updated ERDDAP dataset first requires removal of any caches (via rerddap::cache_delete_all(force = T)).

Added ss_vars for Seascape variable descriptions.

Added argument n_bins to plot_ss_class_var() for option of producing binned histogram versus density histogram curve.

Added Seascape class information with dataset ss_gl_classes and functions plot_ss_class_var() and plot_ss_class_var_svg() used by tbl_ss_class()

Changed sum_ss_grds_to_ts() to recalculate if not all dates in grds found in ts_csv.

  • Added get_ss_dates_all() to get a list of all dates between date_beg and date_end based on availability of SeaScape dataset (via get_ss_info()).

  • Modified get_ss_grds() to fetch missing rasters from ERDDAP that are not found in dir_tif cache.

  • Added nms sanctuary lookup and improved URL handling for them in get_url_ply().
  • +get_url_ply() for sanctuary, bbox_ply(), get_ss_grds(ss_info, ply); cache ss_grds.tif and ss_tbl_ts.csv; renamed SeaScape functions to ss
  • Added plot_seascape_ts() for time series plot of raster stack.
  • Created initial set of functions from @eqmh R script.