Render all rmd files in the modals folder that have been changed
render_all_rmd(nms = "cinms", interactive_only = F, render_all = F)
nms | The NMS sanctuary with only "cinms" currently doing anything. |
interactive_only | A Boolean variable indicating whether only rmd files containing interactive figures should be rendered. NOTE: If this is set to "TRUE", the rmd files containing interactive figures with MARINe data will be omitted. These latter figures can only be rendered in a local environment as they require connection to a shared Google Drive that is accessed via Google Drive File Stream. |
render_all | A Boolean variable indicating whether all rmd files should be rendered, whether or not there have been changes to them. |
The function outputs a html file for every rmd file in the modals folder.
if (FALSE) { render_all_rmd(interactive_only = T) }