Required Files

  1. svg/my_infographic.svg - scalable vector graphic file that defines the image shown in your scene
  2. svg_elements.csv - tells infographiq about the shapes to use from your svg(s)
  3. plot_indicators.csv - defines plots to show in the modal for each svg element


Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) files can be created using the free, cross-platform program Inkscape or exported from Adobe Illustrator. This file format is a human-readable subset of xml. For example files see the info-demo/svg.

svg files must be placed in a directory named svg in order to be found by infographiq.


  1. Columns needed in svg_elements
  • svg
  • svg_id (lower case no spaces - MUST MATCH svg_id in plot_indicators.csv)
  • label
  • status_text
  • status_color
  • modal_before : optional row specifying a caption text file to include at the top of the modal
  • modal_after : same as modal_before, but caption for the bottom of the modal


svg svg_id module_title status_text status_color
corals.svg sea-turtle Sea Turtle (focal)


  1. Columns needed in plot_indicators.csv
  • svg_id (lower case no spaces - MUST MATCH svg_id in svg_elements.csv)
  • plot_title (title on plot)
  • y_label (y label on plot)
  • col_t (calls column from csv_url)
  • col_y (calls column from csv_url)
  • filter (to filter from csv_url)
  • group_by (to group from csv_url)
  • csv_url (needs to be in github repository)
  • skip_lines


svg_id plot_title y_label col_t col_y filter group_by csv_url
sea-turtle Sea Turtle Richness Species Richness year richness NA NA