SAGA-GIS examples from 2018-12 OGTA Training Course.
The example area of interest (AoI) here is Liberia, defined as: * lat_n +9 * lat_s -6 * lon_e -23 * lon_w -3
This is an example of how to use SAGA GIS via saga_cmd
(bash cmd used
via python subprocess
) to process data. The .shp
output(s) are then
displayed using mapnik. Some
alternative display options are enumerated
Project Dir Explaination
The expected directory structure here: (TODO: this might not be essential within these examples)
- LIBERIA - Project files for this area
- DATA - information about datasets
- BORDERS - Shapes for mapping
- RELIEF- Bathymetry and topography
- WOD- World Ocean Database
- WOA- World Ocean Atlas
- [OTHER SOURCES] - folders identified by acronyms (optional)
- PRODUCTS - Files created by the following programs:
- IDV - Integrated Data Viewer: synthesis program for many operational datasets and some GIS objects
- ODV - Ocean Data View: ocean station data management,
analysis, display
- COLLECTIONS - data by data type, area or other original selection criteria
- IMAGES - Saved images of graphics
- INTERPOLATIONS - XYZ data triplets exported from ODV “surface mode” AKA grids b/c derived from grid-like interpolations
- SUBSETS - Spreadsheets from larger collections
- TIMESERIES - Data analyses based mainly on data/time, not geographic location
- SAGA - Grids and vector products made by our “workhorse”
public domain GIS program
- AUXILIARY - Saved settings/properties files and similar helper files
- GEOIMAGES - Geo-referenced images, using world files or KML/KMZ for positioning; also TIFF grid rasters (for WMS only)
- GRIDS - grids in Saga format, including template grids
- PROJECTS - special files that contain lists of objects to place in one map, including display properties
- TABLES - tabular data from within shapes, and also created alongside them for display management
- VECTORS - points, lines, contours, polygons, graticules, wind arrows, current arrows; ESRI shapes or Google KML/KMZ
- LIBERIA - Project files for this area
Data Sources:
- World Borders from
- World EEZ v10 Marine Regions from
- Claus S., De Hauwere N., Vanhoorne B., Souza Dias F., Oset García P., Schepers L., Hernandez F., and Mees J. (Flanders Marine Institute) (2018). Accessed at on 2018-12-04.
- Modis Aqua Chl Monthly Anomalies from
- gmis mapper url, geotiff, NetCDF, & WMS available
TODO: must download data first (or load from remote within python)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
import os.path
class input_file(object):
WORLD_EEZ_LINE = "DATA/BASEMAP/BORDERS/eez/eez_boundaries_v10.shp"
def list_all():
return [
getattr(input_file, a) for a in dir(input_file)
if not a.startswith('_') and
not callable(getattr(input_file, a))
# intermediate data:
for infile in input_file.list_all():
if(not os.path.isfile(infile)):
raise ValueError("Missing Input file:\n\t{}".format(infile))
cmd = [
'saga_cmd', 'shapes_lines', 'Line-Polygon Intersection',
'-LINES', input_file.WORLD_EEZ_LINE,
print("running bash command:\n\t{}".format(subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd)))
# TODO: how to plot?
# === 1 use mapnik_plot like:
# from import mapnik_plot
# mapnik_plot(LIBERIA_EEZ_LINE)
# === 2 use [gdal_rasterize]( bash cmd
# ```{bash} gdal_rasterize ...???... ```
- compare EEZ & Longhurst Province Biodiversity “health” (as defined by @bbest’s indicies)
- play with saga-py
- use more of chl_a anom [@gmis](
- can skip over saving intermediate products in python by using data in RAM (see here).