Based on demo script here as presented by Pieter Provoost @ Ocean Data Management for Researchers 2018

# requires devtools::install_github("iobis/robis", ref="obis2")
# robis2 expects these to be loaded (?):
## ── Attaching packages ────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.2.1 ──

## ✔ tibble  2.1.3     ✔ purrr   0.3.2
## ✔ tidyr   0.8.3     ✔ dplyr   0.8.3
## ✔ readr   1.3.1     ✔ stringr 1.4.0
## ✔ tibble  2.1.3     ✔ forcats 0.4.0

## ── Conflicts ───────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
sf <- robis::occurrence("Spio filicornis")
## Retrieved 5000 records of 12891 (38%) Retrieved 10000 records of 12891
## (77%) Retrieved 12891 records of 12891 (100%)
## [1] 12891   120
# TODO: how to inject output of map_leaflet() file here?
# by default this opens in browser at
# file:///tmp/RtmpY77nB4/viewhtml5e25d55bb8f/index.html

## 'data.frame':    12891 obs. of  120 variables:
##  $ date_year                    : int  2010 2001 1997 1996 1973 1991 2010 1979 1982 2000 ...
##  $ scientificNameID             : chr  "" "" "" "" ...
##  $ year                         : chr  "2010" "2001" "1997" "1996" ...
##  $ scientificName               : chr  "Spio filicornis" "Spio filicornis" "Spio filicornis" "Spio filicornis" ...
##  $ dropped                      : logi  FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
##  $ aphiaID                      : int  131183 131183 131183 131183 131183 131183 131183 131183 131183 131183 ...
##  $ decimalLatitude              : num  51.3 52.4 54.1 52.8 40.4 ...
##  $ language                     : chr  "en" "en" "en" NA ...
##  $ subclassid                   : int  754175 754175 754175 754175 754175 754175 754175 754175 754175 754175 ...
##  $ type                         : chr  "sample" "sample" "Sample" NA ...
##  $ phylumid                     : int  882 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 ...
##  $ familyid                     : int  913 913 913 913 913 913 913 913 913 913 ...
##  $ catalogNumber                : chr  "RSMP_AA_OWF_37_208833" "RSMP_SASBEN0801_16_208047" "RWS1997_OESTGDN14 _ Spio filicornis" "17079" ...
##  $ occurrenceStatus             : chr  "present" "present" "present" "present" ...
##  $ terrestrial                  : logi  FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
##  $ basisOfRecord                : chr  "Occurrence" "Occurrence" "Occurrence" "Occurrence" ...
##  $ maximumDepthInMeters         : num  48 44.5 NA 10.4 29 4 0 NA NA 25.9 ...
##  $ modified                     : chr  "2018-04-09 15:18:52" "2018-04-09 15:18:52" "2018-08-07 16:03:26" "2006-06-01 00:00:00" ...
##  $ id                           : chr  "0006510d-898e-470c-ad18-aa2cf855d3d7" "0008087f-f8b4-49c0-80fd-0a8d4b38ed22" "000cf7b4-0a3e-407b-be8f-3ed743d5b6a3" "00130ffb-2845-4179-891f-b85a0359bfbb" ...
##  $ day                          : chr  "15" "11" "8" NA ...
##  $ order                        : chr  "Spionida" "Spionida" "Spionida" "Spionida" ...
##  $ dataset_id                   : chr  "a9a3bdc6-209f-4c66-aafd-ce5271cb63b3" "a9a3bdc6-209f-4c66-aafd-ce5271cb63b3" "90411e40-55ce-4ab8-b0d8-29359243e3ce" "386ac1f4-922d-4991-ada2-0ce50dfd3ba7" ...
##  $ decimalLongitude             : num  -4.47 2.11 2.86 4.67 -73.77 ...
##  $ date_end                     : num  1289779200000 997488000000 860457600000 851990400000 120182400000 ...
##  $ speciesid                    : int  131183 131183 131183 131183 131183 131183 131183 131183 131183 131183 ...
##  $ occurrenceID                 : chr  "RSMP_AA_OWF_37_208833" "RSMP_SASBEN0801_16_208047" "RWS1997_OESTGDN14 _ Spio filicornis" "urn:catalog:ZMA:Northsea observations:17079" ...
##  $ suborderid                   : int  909 909 909 909 909 909 909 909 909 909 ...
##  $ date_start                   : num  1289779200000 997488000000 860457600000 820454400000 120182400000 ...
##  $ footprintSRS                 : chr  "EPSG:4326" "EPSG:4326" "EPSG:4326" NA ...
##  $ month                        : chr  "11" "8" "4" NA ...
##  $ genus                        : chr  "Spio" "Spio" "Spio" "Spio" ...
##  $ eventDate                    : chr  "2010-11-15" "2001-08-11" "1997-04-08T18:25:00+02:00" "1996" ...
##  $ eventID                      : chr  "AA_OWF_37" "SASBEN0801_16" "RWS1997_OESTGDN14" NA ...
##  $ brackish                     : logi  FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
##  $ absence                      : logi  FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE ...
##  $ genusid                      : int  129625 129625 129625 129625 129625 129625 129625 129625 129625 129625 ...
##  $ originalScientificName       : chr  "Spio filicornis" "Spio filicornis" "Spio filicornis" "Spio filicornis (Müller, 1766)" ...
##  $ marine                       : logi  TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
##  $ minimumDepthInMeters         : num  48 44.5 NA 10.4 29 4 0 NA NA 25.9 ...
##  $ infraclassid                 : int  154974 154974 154974 154974 154974 154974 154974 154974 154974 154974 ...
##  $ institutionCode              : chr  "CEFAS" "CEFAS" NA "ZMA" ...
##  $ date_mid                     : num  1289779200000 997488000000 860457600000 836179200000 120182400000 ...
##  $ infraclass                   : chr  "Canalipalpata" "Canalipalpata" "Canalipalpata" "Canalipalpata" ...
##  $ class                        : chr  "Polychaeta" "Polychaeta" "Polychaeta" "Polychaeta" ...
##  $ suborder                     : chr  "Spioniformia" "Spioniformia" "Spioniformia" "Spioniformia" ...
##  $ orderid                      : int  889 889 889 889 889 889 889 889 889 889 ...
##  $ datasetName                  : chr  "RSMP Baseline Dataset" "RSMP Baseline Dataset" "Dutch long term monitoring of macrobenthos in the Dutch Continental Economical Zone of the North Sea" NA ...
##  $ geodeticDatum                : chr  "EPSG:4326" "EPSG:4326" "EPSG:4326" "EPSG:4326" ...
##  $ kingdom                      : chr  "Animalia" "Animalia" "Animalia" "Animalia" ...
##  $ classid                      : int  883 883 883 883 883 883 883 883 883 883 ...
##  $ phylum                       : chr  "Annelida" "Annelida" "Annelida" "Annelida" ...
##  $ species                      : chr  "Spio filicornis" "Spio filicornis" "Spio filicornis" "Spio filicornis" ...
##  $ subclass                     : chr  "Sedentaria" "Sedentaria" "Sedentaria" "Sedentaria" ...
##  $ datasetID                    : chr  "IMIS:dasid:5922" "IMIS:dasid:5922" "IMIS:dasid:5759" "IMIS:dasid:1037" ...
##  $ family                       : chr  "Spionidae" "Spionidae" "Spionidae" "Spionidae" ...
##  $ kingdomid                    : int  2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ node_id                      :List of 12891
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "310922b4-9d0c-4de1-92d7-9b442d34765b"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr  "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc" "f92d5d7f-47a6-4605-9fd0-a8538dfde3fd"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr  "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc" "f92d5d7f-47a6-4605-9fd0-a8538dfde3fd"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr  "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc" "f92d5d7f-47a6-4605-9fd0-a8538dfde3fd"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "310922b4-9d0c-4de1-92d7-9b442d34765b"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr  "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc" "f92d5d7f-47a6-4605-9fd0-a8538dfde3fd"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr  "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc" "f92d5d7f-47a6-4605-9fd0-a8538dfde3fd"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "310922b4-9d0c-4de1-92d7-9b442d34765b"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr  "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc" "f92d5d7f-47a6-4605-9fd0-a8538dfde3fd"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr  "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc" "f92d5d7f-47a6-4605-9fd0-a8538dfde3fd"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "b7c47783-a020-4173-b390-7b57c4fa1426"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr  "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc" "f92d5d7f-47a6-4605-9fd0-a8538dfde3fd"
##   ..$ : chr "310922b4-9d0c-4de1-92d7-9b442d34765b"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "310922b4-9d0c-4de1-92d7-9b442d34765b"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr  "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc" "f92d5d7f-47a6-4605-9fd0-a8538dfde3fd"
##   ..$ : chr  "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc" "f92d5d7f-47a6-4605-9fd0-a8538dfde3fd"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "310922b4-9d0c-4de1-92d7-9b442d34765b"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "310922b4-9d0c-4de1-92d7-9b442d34765b"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "310922b4-9d0c-4de1-92d7-9b442d34765b"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr  "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc" "f92d5d7f-47a6-4605-9fd0-a8538dfde3fd"
##   ..$ : chr  "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc" "f92d5d7f-47a6-4605-9fd0-a8538dfde3fd"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr  "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc" "f92d5d7f-47a6-4605-9fd0-a8538dfde3fd"
##   ..$ : chr  "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc" "f92d5d7f-47a6-4605-9fd0-a8538dfde3fd"
##   ..$ : chr  "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc" "f92d5d7f-47a6-4605-9fd0-a8538dfde3fd"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "b7c47783-a020-4173-b390-7b57c4fa1426"
##   ..$ : chr  "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc" "f92d5d7f-47a6-4605-9fd0-a8538dfde3fd"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr  "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc" "f92d5d7f-47a6-4605-9fd0-a8538dfde3fd"
##   ..$ : chr "1ad35eb9-c615-4733-864a-b585aebcfb70"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   ..$ : chr "4bf79a01-65a9-4db6-b37b-18434f26ddfc"
##   .. [list output truncated]
##  $ locality                     : chr  NA NA "KLAVERBANK_OV" NA ...
##  $ collectionCode               : chr  NA NA "RWS-boxcore historie" "Northsea observations" ...
##  $ dateIdentified               : chr  NA NA "1997-04-08" NA ...
##  $ eventTime                    : chr  NA NA "18:25:00+02:00" NA ...
##  $ footprintWKT                 : chr  NA NA "POINT (2.86276 54.082588)" NA ...
##  $ country                      : chr  NA NA NA "Netherlands" ...
##  $ individualCount              : chr  NA NA NA "248.7" ...
##  $ occurrenceRemarks            : chr  NA NA NA "individual count in N/m2; location label: 96-coa4" ...
##  $ dynamicProperties            : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ fieldNumber                  : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ bibliographicCitation        : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ waterBody                    : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ samplingProtocol             : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ samplingEffort               : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ sex                          : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ lifeStage                    : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ references                   : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ continent                    : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ scientificNameAuthorship     : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ specificEpithet              : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ recordedBy                   : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ preparations                 : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ taxonRemarks                 : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ materialSampleID             : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ ownerInstitutionCode         : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ taxonRank                    : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ identifiedBy                 : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ recordNumber                 : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ otherCatalogNumbers          : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ eventRemarks                 : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ locationRemarks              : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ locationID                   : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ county                       : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ stateProvince                : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ rightsHolder                 : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ institutionID                : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ license                      : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ coordinatePrecision          : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ locationAccordingTo          : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ rights                       : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##  $ associatedReferences         : chr  NA NA NA NA ...
##   [list output truncated]
##   [1] "date_year"                     "scientificNameID"             
##   [3] "year"                          "scientificName"               
##   [5] "dropped"                       "aphiaID"                      
##   [7] "decimalLatitude"               "language"                     
##   [9] "subclassid"                    "type"                         
##  [11] "phylumid"                      "familyid"                     
##  [13] "catalogNumber"                 "occurrenceStatus"             
##  [15] "terrestrial"                   "basisOfRecord"                
##  [17] "maximumDepthInMeters"          "modified"                     
##  [19] "id"                            "day"                          
##  [21] "order"                         "dataset_id"                   
##  [23] "decimalLongitude"              "date_end"                     
##  [25] "speciesid"                     "occurrenceID"                 
##  [27] "suborderid"                    "date_start"                   
##  [29] "footprintSRS"                  "month"                        
##  [31] "genus"                         "eventDate"                    
##  [33] "eventID"                       "brackish"                     
##  [35] "absence"                       "genusid"                      
##  [37] "originalScientificName"        "marine"                       
##  [39] "minimumDepthInMeters"          "infraclassid"                 
##  [41] "institutionCode"               "date_mid"                     
##  [43] "infraclass"                    "class"                        
##  [45] "suborder"                      "orderid"                      
##  [47] "datasetName"                   "geodeticDatum"                
##  [49] "kingdom"                       "classid"                      
##  [51] "phylum"                        "species"                      
##  [53] "subclass"                      "datasetID"                    
##  [55] "family"                        "kingdomid"                    
##  [57] "node_id"                       "locality"                     
##  [59] "collectionCode"                "dateIdentified"               
##  [61] "eventTime"                     "footprintWKT"                 
##  [63] "country"                       "individualCount"              
##  [65] "occurrenceRemarks"             "dynamicProperties"            
##  [67] "fieldNumber"                   "bibliographicCitation"        
##  [69] "waterBody"                     "samplingProtocol"             
##  [71] "samplingEffort"                "sex"                          
##  [73] "lifeStage"                     "references"                   
##  [75] "continent"                     "scientificNameAuthorship"     
##  [77] "specificEpithet"               "recordedBy"                   
##  [79] "coordinateUncertaintyInMeters" "preparations"                 
##  [81] "taxonRemarks"                  "materialSampleID"             
##  [83] "ownerInstitutionCode"          "taxonRank"                    
##  [85] "identifiedBy"                  "recordNumber"                 
##  [87] "otherCatalogNumbers"           "eventRemarks"                 
##  [89] "locationRemarks"               "locationID"                   
##  [91] "county"                        "stateProvince"                
##  [93] "rightsHolder"                  "institutionID"                
##  [95] "license"                       "coordinatePrecision"          
##  [97] "locationAccordingTo"           "rights"                       
##  [99] "associatedReferences"          "verbatimCoordinates"          
## [101] "habitat"                       "organismQuantity"             
## [103] "georeferencedDate"             "verbatimEventDate"            
## [105] "sampleSizeUnit"                "georeferencedBy"              
## [107] "verbatimLocality"              "organismQuantityType"         
## [109] "verbatimDepth"                 "sampleSizeValue"              
## [111] "verbatimLatitude"              "countryCode"                  
## [113] "verbatimLongitude"             "georeferenceProtocol"         
## [115] "georeferenceSources"           "parentEventID"                
## [117] "collectionID"                  "nomenclaturalCode"            
## [119] "georeferenceRemarks"           "dataGeneralizations"
# TODO: how to inject output of View() here?

##            Spio cf. filicornis                 Spio filicomis 
##                              6                             14 
##                Spio filicornis Spio filicornis (Mnller, 1776) 
##                          12164                              2 
## Spio filicornis (Müller, 1766)              Spio filicornis 2 
##                            597                              3 
##            Spio filicornis agg      Spio filicornis aggregate 
##                             31                             36 
##         Spio filicornis Type A                Spio filicprnis 
##                              7                             17 
##                Spio_filicornis                 Spiofilicornis 
##                             12                              2
## Attaching package: 'magrittr'

## The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
##     set_names

## The following object is masked from 'package:tidyr':
##     extract
spio <- robis::occurrence("Spio")
## Retrieved 5000 records of 33712 (14%)

## Retrieved 10000 records of 33712 (29%) Retrieved 15000 records of 33712
## (44%) Retrieved 20000 records of 33712 (59%) Retrieved 25000 records of
## 33712 (74%) Retrieved 30000 records of 33712 (88%) Retrieved 33712 records
## of 33712 (100%)
spio %>% dplyr::group_by(species)%>% dplyr::summarize(n(), mean(decimalLatitude))
## # A tibble: 27 x 3
##    species           `n()` `mean(decimalLatitude)`
##    <chr>             <int>                   <dbl>
##  1 Spio aequalis        16                   -39.7
##  2 Spio armata        2917                    53.3
##  3 Spio arndti          20                    51.6
##  4 Spio bengalensis      2                    21.5
##  5 Spio blakei         282                   -29.2
##  6 Spio butleri         23                    42.7
##  7 Spio cirrifera       23                    48.7
##  8 Spio decorata      4651                    53.7
##  9 Spio filicornis   12891                    53.4
## 10 Spio goniocephala  1750                    53.8
## # … with 17 more rows
ggplot2::ggplot(spio) + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x=decimalLongitude, y=decimalLatitude))

# select one species
#spio %>% dplyr::filter(species == "Spio blakei") %>% robis::map_ggplot()

# === spatial query
# wkt geometry string creation tool:

mol <- robis::occurrence(
    geometry = "POLYGON ((2.54333 51.07247, 2.10388 51.64189, 2.79053 51.80522, 3.36731 51.36149, 2.54333 51.07247))"
## Retrieved 5000 records of 16630 (30%) Retrieved 10000 records of 16630
## (60%) Retrieved 15000 records of 16630 (90%) Retrieved 16630 records of
## 16630 (100%)
ggplot2::ggplot(mol) + ggplot2::geom_bar(ggplot2::aes(date_year), width = 1)
## Warning: Removed 632 rows containing non-finite values (stat_count).

ggplot2::ggplot(mol) + ggplot2::geom_bar(
    ggplot2::aes(date_year, fill = class), width = 1
) + ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Spectral")
## Warning: Removed 632 rows containing non-finite values (stat_count).

## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'adehabitatMA':
##   method                       from
##   print.SpatialPixelsDataFrame sp  
##   print.SpatialPixels          sp

## Attaching package: 'marmap'

## The following object is masked from 'package:grDevices':
##     as.raster
## Attaching package: 'plotly'

## The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':
##     last_plot

## The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter

## The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
##     layout

res <- 0.2
xmin <- 158
xmax <- 180
ymin <- -55
ymax <- -30
nz <- getNOAA.bathy(lon1 = 158, lon2 = 180, lat1 = -55, lat2 = -30, resolution = res * 60)
## Querying NOAA database ...

## This may take seconds to minutes, depending on grid size

## Building bathy matrix ...
nz <- t(nz)
x <- seq(xmin + res / 2, xmax - res / 2, by = res)
y <- seq(ymin + res / 2, ymax - res / 2, by = res)

geom <- sprintf("POLYGON ((%s %s, %s %s, %s %s, %s %s, %s %s))", xmin, ymax, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymin, xmax, ymax, xmin, ymax)
ha <- occurrence("Hoplostethus atlanticus", geometry = geom)
## Retrieved 5000 records of 6631 (75%)

## Retrieved 6631 records of 6631 (100%)
pc <- occurrence("Parapercis colias", geometry = geom)
## Retrieved 5000 records of 23766 (21%) Retrieved 10000 records of 23766
## (42%) Retrieved 15000 records of 23766 (63%) Retrieved 20000 records of
## 23766 (84%) Retrieved 23766 records of 23766 (100%)
plot_ly(z = ~nz, x = ~x, y = ~y) %>%
  add_surface(showscale = FALSE) %>%
  add_trace(data = ha, x = ~decimalLongitude, y = ~decimalLatitude, z = ~-minimumDepthInMeters, marker = list(color = "#ffcc00", size = 3), name = "Hoplostethus atlanticus") %>%
add_trace(data = pc, x = ~decimalLongitude, y = ~decimalLatitude, z = ~-minimumDepthInMeters, marker = list(color = "#ff3399", size = 3), name = "Parapercis colias")
## No trace type specified:
##   Based on info supplied, a 'scatter3d' trace seems appropriate.
##   Read more about this trace type ->
## No scatter3d mode specifed:
##   Setting the mode to markers
##   Read more about this attribute ->

## Warning: Ignoring 495 observations

## No trace type specified:
##   Based on info supplied, a 'scatter3d' trace seems appropriate.
##   Read more about this trace type ->
## No scatter3d mode specifed:
##   Setting the mode to markers
##   Read more about this attribute ->

## Warning: Ignoring 3721 observations

#write.csv(mol, file = "mollusca.csv", row.names = FALSE)