Goal: Downscale AquaMaps.org species distributions (Kaschner et al. 2023; Ready et al. 2010) from 0.5 decimal degrees to 15 arc seconds (111.11 km to 0.46 km at the equator), using the R package aquamapsdata and the the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans GEBCO.
Later we’ll iterate over species and expand to global, which will require large raster handling techniques using Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFS (COGs; see cogeo.org).
All code and files (except the large global GEBCO grid) are found in this repository:
# packages ----if (!"librarian"%in%installed.packages())install.packages("librarian")if (!"rcrypt"%in%installed.packages()) devtools::install_bitbucket("bklamer/rcrypt") # dependency for aquamapsdatalibrarian::shelf( bklamer/rcrypt, raquamaps/aquamapsdata, dplyr, ggplot2, glue, here, knitr, leaflet, # TODO: migrate raster to terra# terra, raster, rnaturalearth, sf, stringr, tidyr,quiet = T)select = dplyr::select# initial run-once step required to install remote db locally# download_db(force = TRUE)# aquamaps database ----am_db <-default_db("sqlite")# paths ----dir_big <-"/Users/bbest/big"gebco_nc <-glue("{dir_big}/gebco_2022_sub_ice_topo/GEBCO_2022_sub_ice_topo.nc")gebco_socal_tif <-here("data/gebco_socal.tif")land_socal_geo <-here("data/land_socal.geojson")bo_tif <-here("data/bio-oracle.tif")# custom functions ----add_ocean_basemap <-function(m){# m: leaflet() map m |># add base: blue bathymetry and light brown/green topographyaddProviderTiles("Esri.OceanBasemap",options =providerTileOptions(variant ="Ocean/World_Ocean_Base")) |># add reference: placename labels and bordersaddProviderTiles("Esri.OceanBasemap",options =providerTileOptions(variant ="Ocean/World_Ocean_Reference"))}add_am_raster <-function( m, r, title,cols =c("#FEB24C", "#FD8D3C", "#FC4E2A", "#E31A1C", "#B10026"),truncate_to_zero = T){# m: leaflet() map# r: raster # TODO: migrate to terra::rast()# r = r_gebco_bb# title = "GEBCO depth (m)"# cols = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(7, "Blues") r <- leaflet::projectRasterForLeaflet(r, method ="bilinear")# truncate to 0 to prevent negative values # that were generated by projecting the raster # from geographic projection (decimal degrees) to Web Mercator (meters)if (truncate_to_zero){ v <-values(r) v[v<0] <-0values(r) <- v } pal <- leaflet::colorBin( cols, na.omit(unique(values(r))), bins =length(cols), pretty =TRUE, na.color ="#00000000") e <- raster::extent(r) |> sf::st_bbox() |>st_as_sfc() |>st_as_sf(crs=3857) |>st_transform(4326) |>st_bbox() m |> leaflet::addRasterImage( r, project = F, colors = pal, opacity =0.8) |>addLegend(values = raster::values(r), title = title, pal = pal) |> leaflet::fitBounds(lng1 = e[["xmin"]], lat1 = e[["ymin"]], lng2 = e[["xmax"]], lat2 = e[["ymax"]])}
2 Species map (blue whale)
# fuzzy search allows full text search operators AND, OR, NOT and +# see https://www.sqlitetutorial.net/sqlite-full-text-search/sp_term <-"blue whale"key <-am_search_fuzzy(search_term = sp_term) |>pull(key) # "ITS-Mam-180528"# get the identifier for the speciesr <-am_raster(key)# show the native habitat mapm <-leaflet() |>add_ocean_basemap() |>add_am_raster(r, title = sp_term)m
Figure 1: Map of blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) distribution from AquaMaps.
2.1 Zoom to SoCal
Notice the very large pixels, far bigger than useful for smaller planning purposes, such as for Sanctuaries or BOEM Wind Energy Areas.
Figure 2: Map of blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) distribution from AquaMaps zoomed into Southern California. Notice the very large pixels, far bigger than useful for smaller planning purposes, such as for Sanctuaries or BOEM Wind Energy Areas.
3 Environmental preferences
Here are the environmental preferences for the species in the database.
Table 2: Table environmental suitability parameters from Aquamaps that are applicable to blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), i.e. {Var}YN == 1 in Table 1.
g <-ggplot(d, aes(var_value, prob_value)) +geom_area() +theme_light() +facet_wrap(vars(var), scales ="free") +labs(title = sp_term,subtitle ="environmental envelope",x =NULL,y ="probability of presence")g
Figure 3: Plots of environmental suitability parameters from Aquamaps that are applicable to blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) from Table 2.
Bio-ORACLE is a set of GIS rasters providing geophysical, biotic and environmental data for surface and benthic marine realms at a spatial resolution 5 arcmin (9.2 km) in the ESRI ascii and tif format.
Tyberghein L., Verbruggen H., Pauly K., Troupin C., Mineur F. & De Clerck O. Bio-ORACLE: a global environmental dataset for marine species distribution modeling. Global Ecology and Biogeography. doi: 10.1111/j.1466-8238.2011.00656.x
MARSPEC is a set of high resolution climatic and geophysical GIS data layers for the world ocean. Seven geophysical variables were derived from the SRTM30_PLUS high resolution bathymetry dataset. These layers characterize the horizontal orientation (aspect), slope, and curvature of the seafloor and the distance from shore. Ten “bioclimatic” variables were derived from NOAA’s World Ocean Atlas and NASA’s MODIS satellite imagery and characterize the inter-annual means, extremes, and variances in sea surface temperature and salinity. These variables will be useful to those interested in the spatial ecology of marine shallow-water and surface-associated pelagic organisms across the globe. Note that, in contrary to the original MARSPEC, all layers have unscaled values.
Sbrocco, EJ and Barber, PH (2013) MARSPEC: Ocean climate layers for marine spatial ecology. Ecology 94: 979. doi: 10.1890/12-1358.1
echo'[{"origin": ["*"],"responseHeader": ["*"],"method": ["GET", "HEAD"],"maxAgeSeconds": 3600}]'> cors-config.jsonecho'[{"origin": ["*"],"method": ["*"]}]'> cors-config.jsongsutil cors set cors-config.json gs://offhab_lyrsgsutil cors get gs://offhab_lyrs
9 Next Steps
Goal: Downscale global AquaMaps with all env preferences
Gather finer resolution global data based on yes/no parameters (*YN):
Compositing, Masking, and Mosaicking | GEE
By combining the concepts of image collections, logical operators, masking and compositing, you can achieve interesting cartographic results. For example, suppose you want an image in which land pixels are displayed in true-color and all the other pixels are displayed in blue
Kaschner, K., K. Kesner-Reyes, C. Garilao, J. Segschneider, J. Rius-Barile, T. Rees, and R. Froese. 2023. “AquaMaps: Predicted Range Maps for Aquatic Species. Retrieved from https://www.aquamaps.org.”
Kaschner, K., R. Watson, A. W. Trites, and D. Pauly. 2006. “Mapping World-Wide Distributions of Marine Mammal Species Using a Relative Environmental Suitability (RES) Model.”Marine Ecology Progress Series 316 (July): 285–310. https://doi.org/10.3354/meps316285.
Ready, Jonathan, Kristin Kaschner, Andy B. South, Paul D. Eastwood, Tony Rees, Josephine Rius, Eli Agbayani, Sven Kullander, and Rainer Froese. 2010. “Predicting the Distributions of Marine Organisms at the Global Scale.”Ecological Modelling 221 (3): 467–78. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.10.025.
Source Code
---title: "Downscaling AquaMaps"subtitle: "v01: blue whale, GEBCO SoCal"author: "Benjamin D. Best <ben@ecoquants.com>"date: nowdate-format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm (z)"format: html: toc: true toc-depth: 3 number-sections: true shift-heading-level-by: -1 code-fold: true code-tools: true docx: toc: true toc-depth: 3 number-sections: true shift-heading-level-by: -1 code-fold: truebibliography: "mbon-bio-idx.bib"editor_options: chunk_output_type: console---## Overview**Goal**: Downscale [AquaMaps.org](https://aquamaps.org) species distributions [@kaschnerAquaMapsPredictedRange2023;@readyPredictingDistributionsMarine2010] from 0.5 decimal degrees to 15 arc seconds (111.11 km to `r (111.11 / 60 / 60 * 15) |> round(2)` km at the equator), using the R package [`aquamapsdata`](https://raquamaps.github.io/aquamapsdata/index.html) and the the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans [GEBCO](https://www.gebco.net/).We start with the "Blue Whale" ([_Balaenoptera musculus_](https://aquamaps.org/preMap2.php?cache=1&SpecID=ITS-Mam-180528)) and Southern California. Later we'll iterate over species and expand to global, which will require large raster handling techniques using Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFS (COGs; see [cogeo.org](https://www.cogeo.org)).All code and files (except the large global GEBCO grid) are found in this repository:- [github.com/marinebon/aquamaps-downscaled](https://github.com/marinebon/aquamaps-downscaled)```{r qmd_setup, include=FALSE}knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = T,message = F,warning = F)if (!knitr::is_html_output()) knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = F)``````{r}#| label: setup# packages ----if (!"librarian"%in%installed.packages())install.packages("librarian")if (!"rcrypt"%in%installed.packages()) devtools::install_bitbucket("bklamer/rcrypt") # dependency for aquamapsdatalibrarian::shelf( bklamer/rcrypt, raquamaps/aquamapsdata, dplyr, ggplot2, glue, here, knitr, leaflet, # TODO: migrate raster to terra# terra, raster, rnaturalearth, sf, stringr, tidyr,quiet = T)select = dplyr::select# initial run-once step required to install remote db locally# download_db(force = TRUE)# aquamaps database ----am_db <-default_db("sqlite")# paths ----dir_big <-"/Users/bbest/big"gebco_nc <-glue("{dir_big}/gebco_2022_sub_ice_topo/GEBCO_2022_sub_ice_topo.nc")gebco_socal_tif <-here("data/gebco_socal.tif")land_socal_geo <-here("data/land_socal.geojson")bo_tif <-here("data/bio-oracle.tif")# custom functions ----add_ocean_basemap <-function(m){# m: leaflet() map m |># add base: blue bathymetry and light brown/green topographyaddProviderTiles("Esri.OceanBasemap",options =providerTileOptions(variant ="Ocean/World_Ocean_Base")) |># add reference: placename labels and bordersaddProviderTiles("Esri.OceanBasemap",options =providerTileOptions(variant ="Ocean/World_Ocean_Reference"))}add_am_raster <-function( m, r, title,cols =c("#FEB24C", "#FD8D3C", "#FC4E2A", "#E31A1C", "#B10026"),truncate_to_zero = T){# m: leaflet() map# r: raster # TODO: migrate to terra::rast()# r = r_gebco_bb# title = "GEBCO depth (m)"# cols = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(7, "Blues") r <- leaflet::projectRasterForLeaflet(r, method ="bilinear")# truncate to 0 to prevent negative values # that were generated by projecting the raster # from geographic projection (decimal degrees) to Web Mercator (meters)if (truncate_to_zero){ v <-values(r) v[v<0] <-0values(r) <- v } pal <- leaflet::colorBin( cols, na.omit(unique(values(r))), bins =length(cols), pretty =TRUE, na.color ="#00000000") e <- raster::extent(r) |> sf::st_bbox() |>st_as_sfc() |>st_as_sf(crs=3857) |>st_transform(4326) |>st_bbox() m |> leaflet::addRasterImage( r, project = F, colors = pal, opacity =0.8) |>addLegend(values = raster::values(r), title = title, pal = pal) |> leaflet::fitBounds(lng1 = e[["xmin"]], lat1 = e[["ymin"]], lng2 = e[["xmax"]], lat2 = e[["ymax"]])}```## Species map (blue whale)```{r}#| label: fig-blue_whale_map#| fig-cap: Map of blue whale (_Balaenoptera musculus_) distribution from AquaMaps.# fuzzy search allows full text search operators AND, OR, NOT and +# see https://www.sqlitetutorial.net/sqlite-full-text-search/sp_term <-"blue whale"key <-am_search_fuzzy(search_term = sp_term) |>pull(key) # "ITS-Mam-180528"# get the identifier for the speciesr <-am_raster(key)# show the native habitat mapm <-leaflet() |>add_ocean_basemap() |>add_am_raster(r, title = sp_term)m ```### Zoom to SoCalNotice the very large pixels, far bigger than useful for smaller planning purposes, such as for Sanctuaries or BOEM Wind Energy Areas.```{r}#| label: fig-blue_whale_map_socal#| fig-cap: Map of blue whale (_Balaenoptera musculus_) distribution from AquaMaps zoomed into Southern California. Notice the very large pixels, far bigger than useful for smaller planning purposes, such as for Sanctuaries or BOEM Wind Energy Areas.# Southern Californiabbox <-c(-121, 32, -117, 35)m |>fitBounds(lng1 = bbox[1], lat1 = bbox[2], lng2 = bbox[3], lat2 = bbox[4])```## Environmental preferencesHere are the environmental preferences for the species in the database.```{r}#| label: tbl-blue_whale_env#| tbl-cap: Table of blue whale (_Balaenoptera musculus_) environmental suitability parameters from Aquamaps.sp_env <-am_hspen() |>filter(SpeciesID == key) |>head(1) |>collect()sp_env |>mutate(across(everything(), as.character)) |>pivot_longer(everything()) |>kable()```Now let's convert all variables having `{Var}YN == 1` into the relative environmental suitability rhomboids [@kaschnerMappingWorldwideDistributions2006].```{r}#| label: tbl-blue_whale_env_yes#| tbl-cap: Table environmental suitability parameters from Aquamaps that are applicable to blue whale (_Balaenoptera musculus_), i.e. `{Var}YN == 1` in @tbl-blue_whale_env.var <-"Depth"d_probs <-tribble(~prob_name, ~prob_value,"Min" , 0,"PrefMin" , 1,"PrefMax" , 1,"Max" , 0)vars_yes <- sp_env |>select(ends_with("YN")) |>pivot_longer(everything()) |>filter(value ==1) |>pull(name) |>str_replace("YN","")d <- sp_env |>select(starts_with(vars_yes)) |>select(!ends_with("YN")) |>pivot_longer(everything(),values_to ="var_value") |>separate_wider_regex( name,c(var =paste(vars_yes, collapse ="|"), # "",prob_name =paste(d_probs$prob_name, collapse ="|"))) |>left_join( d_probs,by ="prob_name")kable(d)``````{r}#| label: fig-blue_whale_env_yes#| fig-cap: Plots of environmental suitability parameters from Aquamaps that are applicable to blue whale (_Balaenoptera musculus_) from @tbl-blue_whale_env_yes.g <-ggplot(d, aes(var_value, prob_value)) +geom_area() +theme_light() +facet_wrap(vars(var), scales ="free") +labs(title = sp_term,subtitle ="environmental envelope",x =NULL,y ="probability of presence")g```## Depth (GEBCO) for SoCal```{r}#| label: fig-depth_socal#| fig-cap: Map of depth from GEBCO zoomed into Southern California. Notice the much higher resolution compared to @fig-blue_whale_map_socal.# limit to bounding box for nowply_bb <-extent(c(bbox[1], bbox[3], bbox[2], bbox[4])) |>st_bbox() |>st_as_sfc() |>st_as_sf(crs =4326)# landif (!file.exists(land_socal_geo)){ ply_land <-ne_download(scale =10, # 110/50/10: high spatial resolution (10 m)type ="land", category ="physical",returnclass ="sf")# plot(ply_land) ply_land_bb <- ply_land |>st_intersection(ply_bb)# plot(ply_land_bb)write_sf(ply_land_bb, land_socal_geo)}ply_land_bb <-read_sf(land_socal_geo)# plot(ply_land_bb)if (!file.exists(gebco_socal_tif)){# read large GEBCO netcdf file outside repo r_gebco <-raster(gebco_nc)# crop to SoCal bounding box r_gebco_bb <- r_gebco |>crop(ply_bb)# mask out land, ie > 0 r_gebco_bb <- r_gebco_bb |>mask(r_gebco_bb <=0, maskvalue =0) *-1# write to TIFwriteRaster(r_gebco_bb, gebco_socal_tif, overwrite = T)}r_gebco_bb <-raster(gebco_socal_tif)m <-leaflet() |>add_ocean_basemap() |>add_am_raster(r = r_gebco_bb, title ="GEBCO depth (m)", cols = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(7, "Blues"))m ```## Ramp depth with species preference### Create `ramp_env()` function```{r}#| label: fig-ramp_env#| fig-cap: Plot of original depth preferences for 4 points (black circles) and interpolated values (red asterisks) using new `ramp_env()` function.ramp_env <-function(v, min, min_pref, max, max_pref){ x <-c(min, min_pref, max, max_pref) y <-c( 0, 1, 1, 0)approx( x, y, xout = v, yleft =0,yright =0,rule =2,method ="linear")$y}p <- d |>filter(var ==!!var)p <-setNames(p$var_value, p$prob_name) |>as.list()# p# Min PrefMin PrefMax Max # 0 1000 4000 8000x_pref <-c(p$Min, p$PrefMin, p$PrefMax, p$Max)y_pref <-c( 0, 1, 1, 0)x_new <-seq(-200, 10000, by=100)y_new <-ramp_env(x_new, p$Min, p$PrefMin, p$PrefMax, p$Max)plot( x_pref, y_pref, xlim =range(c(x_pref, x_new), na.rm=T), ylim =range(c(y_pref, y_new), na.rm=T),xlab = var,ylab = sp_term)points(x_new, y_new, col =2, pch ="*")```### Apply to SoCalApply the `ramp_env()` function to the SoCal depth using `r {sp_term}` preferences.```{r}#| label: fig-map_sp_depth_bb#| fig-cap: Map of depth preference for `r sp_term` applied to SoCal depth with the `ramp_env()` function.r_sp_depth_bb <- terra::app(x = terra::rast(r_gebco_bb), fun = ramp_env, min = p$Min, min_pref = p$PrefMin, max_pref = p$PrefMax,max = p$Max) |>raster()m <-leaflet() |>add_ocean_basemap() |>add_am_raster(r = r_sp_depth_bb, title =glue("{sp_term}, {var} only"))m ```## `sdmpredictors````{r}#| label: bio-oracle bo_tiflibrarian::shelf( sdmpredictors, skimr)# exploring the marine datasets datasets <-list_datasets(terrestrial =FALSE, marine =TRUE)kable(datasets)# exploring the marine layers layers <-list_layers(datasets)# names(layers)# skim(layers)# table(layers$dataset_code)# Bio-ORACLE MARSPEC # 918 42 # table(layers$primary_type)# '' GEBCO / EMODnet Bathymetry # 1 3 # in situ measurement in situ measurements, monthly climatologies # 7 17 # Model Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), monthly climatologies # 831 31 # Satellite (Aqua-MODIS), seasonal climatologies Satellite (SeaWIFS), monthly climatologies # 2 4 # Satellite (SRTM) Satellite (Terra-MODIS), monthly images # 7 6 # satellite imagery # 51 # table(layers$units)# % Celsius degrees degrees Celcius E/m^2/year Einstein/m_/day fraction # 6 21 2 72 54 4 18 # g/m^3/day kilometers m m/s m^-1 meters mg/m^3 # 72 1 18 72 6 4 76 # micromol/L micromol/m^3 ml/l mol/m^3 PSS psu radians # 3 432 1 2 73 17 2 # unitless # 4# layers |> # select(# layer_code, name, description, units, # primary_spatial_resolution, primary_source) |> # filter(str_detect(description, regex("roductivity", ignore_case = T))) |> # filter(str_detect(description, regex("Mean sea surface net primary productivity", ignore_case = T))) |> # filter(str_detect(description, regex("Sea surface temperature (mean)", ignore_case = T))) |> # filter(str_detect(description, regex("salinity", ignore_case = T))) |> # filter(str_detect(description, regex("ice", ignore_case = T))) |> # View()# https://aquamaps.org/main/files/HCAF_v7.zip# # - PrimProdMean: Original unit in gC·m-3·day-1, converted to mgC·m-3·day-1. If OceanArea=0 (i.e. land cell), non-zero values were set to null (53 cells). Bio-ORACLE grid only goes down to 78.5 S, 1,869 ocean cells tagged -9999.# layers |> # filter(layer_code == "BO22_ppmean_ss") |> # mutate(across(everything(), as.character)) |> # pivot_longer(everything()) |> # kable()# units: g/m^3/day # get Bio-Oracle (BO) latest version (22)lyrs <-c(Temp ="BO22_tempmean_ss",Salinity ="BO22_salinitymean_ss",PrimProd ="BO22_ppmean_ss",IceCon ="BO22_icecovermean_ss")# download to temporary directoryif (!file.exists(bo_tif)){ stk <-load_layers(lyrs, datadir =here("data/bio-oracle/temp"))# class : RasterStack # dimensions : 2160, 4320, 9331200, 4 (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers)# resolution : 0.08333333, 0.08333333 (x, y)# extent : -180, 180, -90, 90 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)# crs : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs # names : BO22_tempmean_ss, BO22_salinitymean_ss, BO22_ppmean_ss, BO22_icecovermean_ss # min values : -1.797733, 0.059304, 0.000060, 0.000000 # max values : 30.178629, 40.651300, 0.257881, 0.974730# get x arg for [ee.Image.interpolate()](https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/apidocs/ee-image-interpolate)# d |> # # filter(var == "Temp") |> # -1.8, -1.3, 27.87, 32.07# # filter(var == "Salinity") |> # 3.58, 32.57, 35.49, 38.84# # filter(var == "PrimProd") |> # 0.1, 1.4, 16.07, 119.58# filter(var == "IceCon") |> # -0.88, 0, 0.49, 0.96# pull(var_value) |> # paste(collapse=", ") |> # cat() raster::writeRaster(stk, bo_tif)}# librarian::shelf(terra)# plet(rast(bo_tif)[[1]])```## manual upload with retry```{r}#| label: upload to GCS, GEE#| eval: falselibrarian::shelf(googleCloudStorageR)gcs_auth_json <-"/Users/bbest/My Drive/private/offhab-google-service-account_09e7228ac965.json"gcs_bucket <-"offhab_lyrs"name <-"bio-oracle.tif"Sys.setenv("GCS_DEFAULT_BUCKET"= gcs_bucket,"GCS_AUTH_FILE"= gcs_auth_json)u <- googleCloudStorageR::gcs_upload(file = bo_tif,bucket ="offhab_lyrs",name =basename(bo_tif))# ℹ 2023-07-30 18:38:57.609799 > Found resumeable upload URL: https://www.googleapis.com/upload/storage/v1/b/offhab_lyrs/o/?uploadType=resumable&name=bio-oracle.tif&predefinedAcl=private&upload_id=ADPycduT4eJUJFQA3c-cdYj6U-3ljbVu6IItZxtQi3WyE68uSdBS_o6uuL1Pq8kJnFvr5jdZfJgcw9_ZPGmlZKzXC3C8Zw# retryu2 <- googleCloudStorageR::gcs_retry_upload(u)# https://code.earthengine.google.com/?asset=projects/eq-am-fine/assets/sdmpredictorsgcs_to_gee <-function ( gcs_name, gee_name = fs::path_ext_remove(gcs_name), properties ="", gcs_bucket ="offhab_lyrs", gee_asset ="projects/eq-am-fine/assets/sdmpredictors", pyramiding_policy ="MEAN"# missing_data = 255 ){ f_json <-tempfile(fileext =".json") properties_json <- jsonlite::toJSON(properties, pretty = T,auto_unbox = T)# writeLines(glue::glue("{{\n \"name\": \"{gee_asset}/{gee_name}\",\n \"tilesets\":[{{\"sources\":[{{\"uris\":[\"gs://{gcs_bucket}/{gcs_name}\"]}}]}}],\n \"pyramidingPolicy\":\"MEAN\",\n \"properties\": {properties_json},\n \"missing_data\":{{\"values\":[{missing_data}]}}\n }}"), writeLines(glue::glue("{{\n\"name\": \"{gee_asset}/{gee_name}\",\n\"tilesets\":[{{\"sources\":[{{\"uris\":[\"gs://{gcs_bucket}/{gcs_name}\"]}}]}}],\n\"pyramidingPolicy\":\"MEAN\",\n\"properties\": {properties_json} }}"), f_json) cmd <- glue::glue("earthengine upload image --manifest '{f_json}'")message(cmd)system(cmd)return(glue("{gee_asset}/{gee_name}"))}gcs_to_gee(basename(bo_tif),properties =list(source ="sdmpredictors"))# readLines("/var/folders/sl/7s3zmk1129jcrgsn1c4hcs2r0000gn/T//Rtmp2X9EGE/file5883322f397b.json") |> cat()# tif <- "/Users/bbest/Downloads/depth_m0000000000-0000000000.tif"# tif <- "/Users/bbest/Downloads/depth_m0000023552-0000000000.tif"# tif <- "/Users/bbest/Downloads/depth_m0000376832-0000000000.tif"# r <- rast(tif)# r# terra::plet(r)```- [problems here possibly in version 0.6-1 of stars](https://github.com/r-spatial/stars/commit/b70735ac26c58155ecc6b137d2dcdde586b03f4b#diff-51920e95310ebfbc1ae31709f3b95f89afffbf4f1a6e38e8b2b406e2fb6197eaR3) > # version 0.6-1 > * `[<-.stars_proxy()` clones environment, so that after `r[r > 100]<-NA` we don't get infinite recursion when realizing `r`- [General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) - awesome-gee-community-catalog](https://gee-community-catalog.org/projects/gebco/)- [Resampling and Reducing Resolution | Google Earth Engine | Google for Developers](https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/guides/resample)Generate from ramps in GEE with:- [`ee.Algorithms.If()`](https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/guides/ic_mapping) - [Computations using Images | Google Earth Engine | Google for Developers](https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/tutorials/tutorial_api_03) - [javascript - Google Earth Engine: Apply scaling function to band values of image - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange](https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/368016/google-earth-engine-apply-scaling-function-to-band-values-of-image) - [Applying Raster Calculation to Image Collection in Google Earth Engine - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange](https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/370706/applying-raster-calculation-to-image-collection-in-google-earth-engine)- [`Image.unitScale(low, high)`](https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/apidocs/ee-image-unitscale) - [google earth engine - Rescale NDVI [-1,1] to 0-255 using GEE - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange](https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/418562/rescale-ndvi-1-1-to-0-255-using-gee)## Try COG- [GEE: export_depth](https://code.earthengine.google.com/?scriptPath=users%2Fben-ecoquants%2Faquamaps-downscaled%3Aexport_depth)```{r cog, eval=FALSE}# devtools::install_github("r-spatial/stars")librarian::shelf( offshorewindhabitat/offhabr, glue, here, fs, stars, terra)depth_tif <-glue("{path_ext_remove(gebco_nc)}_bathy.tif")depth_cog <-glue("{path_ext_remove(gebco_nc)}_bathy_cog.tif")# read large GEBCO netcdf file outside repor_gebco <-rast(gebco_nc)# terra::writeRaster(r_gebco, depth_cog)r_d190 <-read_stars(gebco_nc) |>st_downsample(190)r_d190[r_d190 >0] =NAplot(r_d190)system.time({r <-rast(gebco_nc)}) # 10516.380 secs elapsedsystem.time({r[r >0] =NA}) # 5915.483 secs elapsed system.time({r <- r *-1}) # 190.878 secs elapsedsystem.time({writeRaster(r, depth_tif, datatype ="INT2U")})r <-rast(depth_tif)system.time({offhabr::write_rast(# r, depth_tif, depth_cog,datatype ="INT2U",overwrite =TRUE,method ="average",threads ="ALL_CPUS",epsg =4326,verbose = T,web_optimize = F,use_gdal_cog = T) # system.time(): 2183.913 secs elapsed})# install.packages("googleCloudStorageR")librarian::shelf(googleCloudStorageR)# ✔ Setting scopes to https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control and https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform# ✔ Successfully auto-authenticated via /Users/bbest/My Drive/private/offhab-google-service-account_09e7228ac965.json# ✔ Set default bucket name to 'offhab_lyrs'upload_to_gcs(file = depth_cog,name ="depth_gebco_m.tif",make_public = T,gcs_auth_json ="/Users/bbest/My Drive/private/offhab-google-service-account_09e7228ac965.json",gcs_bucket ="offhab_lyrs") # 3 GB at 3 MBPS: 2 hrs 23 mins# ℹ 2023-07-30 14:58:35.94178 > File size detected as 3.1 Gb# ℹ 2023-07-30 14:58:37.120278 > Found resumeable upload URL: https://www.googleapis.com/upload/storage/v1/b/offhab_lyrs/o/?uploadType=resumable&name=depth_gebco_m.tif&predefinedAcl=private&upload_id=ADPycdun6IdndMKBjpKcpL2KvQV145Q6pzsFt5F7-c7ZdRgtmzTH_-sSe9JfKUebpJiKZib-a6MCKYyGFzNh9hYABimF# manual upload with retrygcs_auth_json <-"/Users/bbest/My Drive/private/offhab-google-service-account_09e7228ac965.json"gcs_bucket <-"offhab_lyrs"name <-"depth_gebco_m.tif"Sys.setenv("GCS_DEFAULT_BUCKET"= gcs_bucket,"GCS_AUTH_FILE"= gcs_auth_json)u <- googleCloudStorageR::gcs_upload(file = depth_cog,bucket ="offhab_lyrs",name = name)Sys.time()tif <-"/Users/bbest/Github/marinebon/aquamaps-downscaled/data/gebco_socal_cog.tif"u <- googleCloudStorageR::gcs_upload(file = tif,bucket ="offhab_lyrs",name =basename(tif))# make publicly availablegoogleCloudStorageR::gcs_update_object_acl(basename(tif), entity_type ="allUsers")# retryu2 <- googleCloudStorageR::gcs_retry_upload(u)# make publicly availablegoogleCloudStorageR::gcs_update_object_acl( name, entity_type ="allUsers")Sys.time()# TODO: upload depth_cog to GCStorage and try in leaflet# OLD...write_stars(st_g, depth_cog, type="Int16")s <-read_stars(depth_cog)plot(s)st_gebco <-read_stars( depth_cog, proxy=T)plot(st_gebco <0) # downsample set to 190system.time({st_gebco[st_gebco >0] =NA# system.time(): mins elapsed})plot(st_gebco, downsample=190) # Error in `[<-.stars`(x = x, i = i, value = value, downsample = downsample) : # unused argument (downsample = downsample)# https://github.com/r-spatial/stars/issues/627write_stars(st_gebco, depth_cog)plot(st_gebco)system.time({st_gebco <- st_gebco *-1# system.time(): 4.042083 mins elapsed})``````{r gdalcubes, eval=FALSE}librarian::shelf( gdalcubes, glue, here, fs, stars, terra)gebco_socal_cog <-glue("{path_ext_remove(gebco_socal_tif)}_cog.tif")r <-read_stars(gebco_socal_tif)d <- stars::st_dimensions(r)# does not work:# file_delete(gebco_socal_cog)# write_stars(r, gebco_socal_cog, driver="COG", type="UInt16")ic <-create_image_collection(files = gebco_socal_tif, date_time =as.Date("1970-01-01"))cv <-cube_view(extent =extent(ic,"EPSG:4326"), srs ="EPSG:4326", dt ="P1Y", nx = d$x$to, ny = d$y$to, aggregation ="mean", resampling ="bilinear")write_tif(raster_cube(ic, cv),dir =here("data"),prefix ="cube_",overviews = T,COG = T,rsmpl_overview ="bilinear",creation_options =NULL,write_json_descr = T)# cube_1970-01-01.tif``````{r leafem.addCOG, eval=F}librarian::shelf( r-spatial/leafem, leaflet, stars, viridisLite)url <-"https://storage.googleapis.com/offhab_lyrs/cube_1970-01-01.tif"r <-rast(glue("/vsicurl/{url}"))pal =hcl.colors(256, "inferno")brks =NULLmyCustomJSFunc = htmlwidgets::JS(" pixelValuesToColorFn = (raster, colorOptions) => { const cols = colorOptions.palette; var scale = chroma.scale(cols); if (colorOptions.breaks !== null) { scale = scale.classes(colorOptions.breaks); } var pixelFunc = values => { let clr = scale.domain([raster.mins, raster.maxs]); if (isNaN(values)) return colorOptions.naColor; if (values < 50) return chroma('pink').alpha(0.7).hex(); return clr(values).hex(); }; return pixelFunc; }; ")leaflet() |>addTiles() |>addCOG(url = url, layerId ="band1",group ="COG", resolution =512, opacity =0.9,autozoom =TRUE,colorOptions =colorOptions(palette = viridisLite::inferno,breaks =seq(1,5349, by=500),na.color ="transparent"))# colorOptions = leafem:::colorOptions(# palette = pal, #viridisLite::cividis# # breaks = brks,# na.color = "transparent"),# pixelValuesToColorFn = myCustomJSFunc)``````{r}librarian::shelf(offhabr)base_opacity =0.5cog_range =c(1, 5349)cog_method ="average"cog_palette ="spectral_r"cog_opacity =0.9# lgnd_palette = "Spectral"# lgnd_palette_r = TRUEcog_url <-"https://storage.googleapis.com/offhab_lyrs/cube_1970-01-01.tif"tile_opts <-glue("resampling_method={cog_method}&rescale={paste(cog_range, collapse=',')}&return_mask=true&colormap_name={cog_palette}")tile_url <-glue("https://api.cogeo.xyz/cog/tiles/WebMercatorQuad/{{z}}/{{x}}/{{y}}@2x?url={cog_url}&{tile_opts}")# oh_map_cog_lyr("cube_1970-01-01")oh_map() |>addTiles(urlTemplate=tile_url,options =tileOptions(opacity = cog_opacity))```* [How do I set up CORS for my Google Cloud Storage Bucket?](https://developer.bitmovin.com/encoding/docs/how-do-i-set-up-cors-for-my-google-cloud-storage-bucket)```bashecho'[{"origin": ["*"],"responseHeader": ["*"],"method": ["GET", "HEAD"],"maxAgeSeconds": 3600}]'> cors-config.jsonecho'[{"origin": ["*"],"method": ["*"]}]'> cors-config.jsongsutil cors set cors-config.json gs://offhab_lyrsgsutil cors get gs://offhab_lyrs```## Next StepsGoal: Downscale global AquaMaps with all env preferencesTODO: - [ ] Gather finer resolution global data based on yes/no parameters (`*YN`):```{r}#| label: cklist_vars#| echo: false#| output: asisvars_yn <- sp_env |>select(ends_with("YN")) |>names() |>str_replace("YN", "")# vars_yn <- c("Depth", "Temp", "Salinity")vars_done <-c(list(Depth ="[GEBCO](https://gee-community-catalog.org/projects/gebco/)"), lyrs)vars_todo <-list()txt_cks <-ifelse(vars_yn %in%names(vars_done), 'x', ' ')txt_info <-ifelse( vars_yn %in%names(vars_done), vars_done[vars_yn], ifelse( vars_yn %in%names(vars_todo), vars_todo[vars_yn], ""))glue(" - [{txt_cks}] {vars_yn}: {txt_info}", .trim = F)``` - Note: "BO22_" refers to Bio-Oracle version 2.2 from `sdmpredictors`- [ ] Work out rest of individual species workflow - [ ] Apply `ramp_env()` to each environmental parameter applicable to the species (ie `{var}YN ==1`) - [ ] Average all environmental parameter grids for the species - [ ] Clip to `NMostLat`, `SMostLat`, `WMostLong`, `EMostLong` - [x] Mask to `FAOAreas` - [ ] Figure out unknown fields: `ExtnRuleYN`, `MapOpt`, ...- [ ] Repeat for workflow for ALL species- [ ] Render maps from anywhere - [ ] Store in COG with each species as a separate layer; or try individual layer COGs - [ ] Upload COG to Google Cloud Storage - [ ] Install [TiTiler](https://developmentseed.org/titiler) on MarineBON.app server - [ ] Render map layers from COG using TiTiler in new function(s) borrowing from [`offhabr`](https://offshorewindhabitat.info/offhabr/index.html) functions like [`oh_map_cog_lyr()`](https://offshorewindhabitat.info/offhabr/reference/oh_map_cog_lyr.html)- [ ] Build Shiny app - [ ] Render map of selected species from dropdown - [ ] Summarize species from drawn area - [ ] Summarize species from selected area from existing: - [ ] EEZ - [ ] LME - [ ] Sanctuary - [ ] BOEM Wind Energy Area - [ ] ...- [ ] Calculate biodiversity metrics - [ ] Richness - [ ] Abundance - [ ] Extinction Risk - [ ] Endemism - [ ] Foundation Species - [ ] ...## Links from GEETODO: - convert Bio-Oracle SDM predictors to same resolution- experiment with mosaic from for simple export * [google earth engine - How to split the world in four quadrants as ee.Image - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange](https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/445938/how-to-split-the-world-in-four-quadrants-as-ee-image) * [Google Earth Engine Tutorial: Split Image By Grid and Export to Google Drive - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yqv5fZSdH4) * [ee.ImageCollection.mosaic | Google Earth Engine | Google for Developers](https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/apidocs/ee-imagecollection-mosaic) * [ee.ImageCollection.fromImages | Google Earth Engine | Google for Developers](https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/apidocs/ee-imagecollection-fromimages) * [Image mosaic/composite creation for Landsat and Sentinel-2 in Google Earth Engine - openMRV](https://openmrv.org/web/guest/w/modules/mrv/modules_1/image-mosaic-composite-creation-for-landsat-and-sentinel-2-in-google-earth-engine)Try:* `/Users/bbest/Github/offshorewindhabitat/scripts/offhab_gee1.ipynb`* geemap: see below* [zarr | IOOS](https://ioos.github.io/ioos_code_lab/content/code_gallery/data_management_notebooks/2023-03-20-Reading_and_writing_zarr.html)* [stars](https://r-spatial.github.io/stars/index.html) - [stars proxy objects](https://r-spatial.github.io/stars/articles/stars2.html#stars-proxy-objects) - [IPBES raster gdalcubes](https://ict.ipbes.net/ipbes-ict-guide/data-management/technical-guidelines/file-formats#b.-raster-data) - [Large data and cloud native | Ch. 9 Spatial Data Science](https://r-spatial.org/book/09-Large.html#very-large-data-cubes) - [Accessing data from large online rasters with Cloud-Optimized-Geotiff, GDAL, and terra R package | Francisco Rodríguez-Sánchez](https://frodriguezsanchez.net/post/accessing-data-from-large-online-rasters-with-cloud-optimized-geotiff-gdal-and-terra-r-package/) - [Cloud-based processing of satellite image collections in R using STAC, COGs, and on-demand data cubes](https://r-spatial.org/r/2021/04/23/cloud-based-cubes.html)* viz with leafem: seemed slow - [new addGeoRaster method · Issue #25 · r-spatial/leafem](https://github.com/r-spatial/leafem/issues/25) - [Add Cloud Optimised Geotiff (COG) to a leaflet map. — addCOG • leafem](https://r-spatial.github.io/leafem/reference/addCOG.html)* [gdalcubes](https://gdalcubes.github.io) again - [w/ rstac](https://gdalcubes.github.io/source/tutorials/vignettes/gc02_AWS_Sentinel2.html#finding-images-with-rstac) - break up into smaller tiles* [2.2. Generate a Regional Composite Through Spatial Tiling](https://google-earth-engine.com/Advanced-Topics/Scaling-up-in-Earth-Engine/)* [Compositing, Masking, and Mosaicking | GEE](https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/tutorials/tutorial_api_05)\ By combining the concepts of image collections, logical operators, masking and compositing, you can achieve interesting cartographic results. For example, suppose you want an image in which land pixels are displayed in true-color and all the other pixels are displayed in blue- other env predictors * distance from shore - [30-m global shorelin on GEE](https://gee-community-catalog.org/projects/shoreline/) - [ee.Image.distance | Google Earth Engine | Google for Developers](https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/apidocs/ee-image-distance) - [ee.Image.fastDistanceTransform | Google Earth Engine | Google for Developers](https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/apidocs/ee-image-fastdistancetransform) * SST by month - [GEE: GSST 2002-2019](https://gee-community-catalog.org/projects/sstg/)- model data products * [ECCO](https://www.ecco-group.org) - https://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/dataset/ECCO_L4_TEMP_SALINITY_05DEG_MONTHLY_V4R4# - https://ecco-v4-python-tutorial.readthedocs.io/intro.html- install titiler * https://github.com/developmentseed/titiler- gee tricks * [client vs server | GEE](https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/guides/client_server) * [GFW use of GEE](https://globalfishingwatch.org/data/public-data-google-earth-engine/) * [Jenks natural breaks w/ SLD](https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/guides/image_visualization#styled-layer-descriptors)- geemap * [11 export image](https://geemap.org/notebooks/11_export_image/#download-an-eeimagecollection) * [44 cog stac](https://geemap.org/notebooks/44_cog_stac/?h=cog#working-with-spatiotemporal-asset-catalog-stac) * [92 plotly - geemap](https://geemap.org/notebooks/92_plotly/?h=titiler) * [95 create cog](https://geemap.org/notebooks/95_create_cog/?query=cog) * [100 numpy to cog](https://geemap.org/notebooks/100_numpy_to_cog/?h=cog) * [103 split control](https://geemap.org/notebooks/103_split_control/?h=cog) * [plotlymap module add_cog_layer()](https://geemap.org/plotlymap/?h=cog#geemap.plotlymap.Map.add_cog_layer) * [plotlymap module add_stac_layer(](https://geemap.org/plotlymap/?h=cog#geemap.plotlymap.Map.add_stac_layer) * [foliumap module add_cog_layer()](https://geemap.org/foliumap/?h=#geemap.foliumap.Map.add_cog_layer) * [foliumap add_stac_layer()](https://geemap.org/foliumap/?h=#geemap.foliumap.Map.add_stac_layer)- indicator portal * [Data Management Tutorials - IPBES ICT guide](https://ict.ipbes.net/ipbes-ict-guide/data-management/data-management-tutorials) - [Part 2 - Preparing and Mapping Data to IPBES Regions and Sub-regions - IPBES ICT guide](https://ict.ipbes.net/ipbes-ict-guide/data-management/technical-guidelines/preparing-and-mapping-data-to-ipbes-regions-and-sub-regions) - [Part 11 - How to Document an Indicator - IPBES ICT guide](https://ict.ipbes.net/ipbes-ict-guide/data-management/technical-guidelines/how-to-document-an-indicator)- Map of Life: indicators, portal setup * [Map of Life | Map of Life](https://mol.org/) * [Map of Life - Indicators](https://mol.org/indicators/) * [Map of Life - Patterns](https://mol.org/patterns/) * [Discovery Potential](https://vertlife.org/data/discoverypotential/)## References